jueves, 7 de enero de 2016


Assessment and evaluation. Both lend us notice the work and learning of children, and evaluate effort and results.

We are going to focus almost all time in assessment, through formative evaluation, by using feedback and focusing on helping children with diary work and fails. This process provide us with the necessary knowledge about how students are understanding the lesson and their motivation in a continuous way. Identifying areas of problems and improvement.

The teacher will evaluate the student not only through the diary , but also with the direct systematic observation the teacher have done during the previous classes. In addition, we are going to use the following Scale card models:

- Evaluation criteria we are going to evaluate:
*Knows the components of the body
* Analyzes the respiratory system
*Analyzes the circular system
* Analyzes the digestive system
* Defines the nose and lungs
* Locate the nose and lugs
* Defines the mouth, stomach and intestine
* Locates the mouth, stomach and intestine
* Takes care of the main healthy habits
* Knows how to work with digital whiteboards
* Does a wordsoup
* Recognizes our heartbate
* Elaborates the diary