martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015

Methodology: Lesson 4

- Objectives: To finalizate the sheet, to learn how to express feelings, to do the diary, to use the whiteboard, to learn about the webpage and to value healthy lifestyle. 

- Materials: paper, pencils, sheets, whiteboard and the webpage.

- Description:
In this session children are going to work with the following link: Human-biodigital

The teacher will open it in the "Staying healthy" section. And inside it the teacher will explain the Nutrition and Fitness Center and It's Time to Play with the white board. Children learn about food and fitness

It is important they understand that eating a healthy diet will help them to feel energized. Moreover kids and adults feel better about their bodies when they feel strong, and moving doing sport! 

 Next activity will last about 20 minutes and children have to performance different situations of the sheet with the goal of expressing themselves, their feelings and teaching them that it is not only important to care the body but also the mind. Taking away bad feelings, our daily health also improves.

Activity- How would you feel if...? (Extracted from: Kids health)

Also, students will finish their diary along 10 minutes. After that the teacher will provide a sheet that students have to do to internalize the contents of the day.

In the finally 15 minutes, students will be divided in three differents groups. The teacher will ask the following question: What have we learnt? Pupils will write in a paper every idea they have. In the last 10 minutes they will write on the digital whiteboard them in order.